Thursday, December 18, 2008

BOOM - Bust.. Recovery*


1. This is a picture of a newspaper ad being part of the great depression. I chose this picture because it was letting people know about how bad things were crashing/dropping because of the depression.

2. This is a picture of a newspaper ad being published to everyone about BLACK TURESDAY. I chose this picture because it had BLACK TUESDAY and on it and because the ad was most likely telling about that dark Tuesday.

3. This is a picture of a club that was very popular during the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture because the Harlem renaissance was included in the Boom of my project it’s all about the 1920s Harlem Renaissance.

4. This is a picture of a newspaper ad telling somewhat about the Women’s rights of 1920s. I chose this picture because it was about Women’s rights.

5. This is a picture of a lady (singer) from the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture she was a big part of the Harlem Renaissance, she song in night clubs.

6. This is a picture of a lady who suffered and went through hard times during the Dust Bowl. I chose this picture because she had children and they had to suffer with her, today she is on novelties etc.

7. This is a picture of a stamp symbolizing the women of 1920s. I chose this picture because it’s a symbol from the women saying that THEY CAN DO IT!

8. This is a picture of everyday people in the 1920s. I chose this picture because it’s when times were going good; how things were before the depression and dust bowl phase.

9. This is a picture of people leaving their homes due to how bad things were going. I chose this picture because I really felt there pain, they had to leave in order to try and make things go better in there life.

10. This is a picture of a saloon (bar) serving alcohol before it was banned. I chose this picture because the people in the photo looked happy to be making money and to be serving there beverages.


1. This is a picture of kids of the 1930s taking a class photo. I chose this picture because it showing how school kids dressed back then.

2. This is a picture of a lady in a dress. I chose this picture because it’s showing how the women dressed back then.

3. This is a picture of a lady who suffered and went through hard times during the Dust Bowl. I chose this picture because she had children and they had to suffer with her, today she is on novelties etc.

4. This is a picture of a pin (button) recognizing women’s rights. I chose this picture because it’s showing how the women are saying they are putting there foot down.

5. This is a picture of a music album from the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture because its showing how there music discs looked back then.

6. This is a picture of a man and 2 children running through the thick sands from the Dust Bowl. I chose this picture because it’s actually showing how high the sand was after the Dust Bowl.

7. This is a picture of the dust bowl taking over homes. I chose this picture because it had to do with the life back then.

8. This is a picture of the dust from the Dust Bowl actually hovering over the houses. I chose this picture because I think that the Dust phase was actually in action, it’s a good picture.

9. This is a picture of little kids running and playing during the time of Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture because it looked like a good photo that I should put under the Harlem Renaissance.

10. This is a picture of all the famous people/singers and from the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture because they were a BIG part of the Harlem Renaissance.


1. This is a picture of Franklin D. Roosevelt. I chose this picture because he was part of the Recovery period.

2. This is a picture of the fun that went on during the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture because it actually shows how things got down back then.

3. This is a picture of the FDIC symbol. I chose this picture because it was part of the Recovery period.

4. This is a picture of the NRA logo. I chose this picture because Roosevelt created the NRA (National Recovery Administration) to fight the Depression. Its symbol was the blue eagle.

5. This is a picture of NAACP. I chose this picture because its showing people from that association.

6. This is a picture of kids trying to get money so that they can eat. I chose this photo because it’s showing you about what you had to do to try and get fed, because people didn’t have any jobs.

7. This is a picture of 2 men pouring out alcoholic beverages because drinking was illegal. I chose this picture because it’s showing how they had to get rid of all alcoholic beverages.

8. This is a picture of the animated phase of red scare. I chose this picture because the picture is speaking for itself on Red Scare.

9. This is a picture a boy (man) telling a girl (woman) that girls (women) should stay in there place as a house wife or that they aren’t meant to be out doing things that a boy (man) can do.

10. This is a picture of children eating what they can find; because of the depression thing). I chose this photo because it’s showing how things looked for how things were back then with the kids.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Its Called "....."

I support that statement all the way... because when that bad thing happens to someone its only because they treated someone wrong or did something that wasn't supposed to be done.
Its Karma!
And when they see that happen they say such and such like dag, I know this happened because such and such; I need to do better or change. My mother say all the time that I'm going to have bad luck because of the way I treat people. She be like "It'll catch up with you in the long run", but I say I'm going to do better. ha ha ha (I try)!
But my point is that its only Karma - so treat others and do things the right way and something bad will not happen to you.

Monday, December 8, 2008


- In a way I think that they shouldn't, but kind of they should (if they're helping out) because you should always help others. But if you the U.S was to get involved with another countries affairs when they were disagreeing with someone else then that someone else would maybe want war; and it'll be against the U.S and that other country. I also believe that if the U.S didn't get involved into other countries affairs the U.S probably wouldn't be how it is today.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

*Nunn of UR Business..

Have you ever jumped into someone else's business? If so, why?
Yes I have, but only because the person was my friend, or the other person was lying or either trying to get loud and chump my friend out.
Under what conditions/situations is it ok or even necessary for you to get involved in someone else's business? The condition of someone trying to make my friend feel bad or either tell a lie about the situation when they know what went down.
When should people mind their own business? I think if its your friend and something ain't going right with your friend and another person its always necessary for you to jump in it; cause I know there friend would - that's how it is now a day. If your friend got a problem with somebody or a problem in general then you should be there and help out (that's what true friends do).

Monday, November 17, 2008

*G I L D E D - A G E./$.



Wednesday, November 5, 2008


- To be honest with you, i think it is about the money. If you really think about it so many deaths and the worlds history is mostly over money. So yes peoples actions are driven by money; well some people. I must admit though... Money does lead to happiness; i can't speak for others but to me money is all my happiness along with love; it can get you whatever you want and need. Are the people that have money any better than those that don't? In a way they are because they have the proper material (money) to get what is needed for them to live, but in a way they aren't - everyone is the same.. and those who have money shouldn't think they are better than anyone that is very discriminative. People who have less the money work for what they do get, and to others money may come easy. The wealthy people get there money from their good paying jobs of ancestors who maybe had money, i don't know. I kind of think it was other people's work that made them rich.. or maybe suing. It would be nice for the rich to share with others, some choose not to. I mean its their money, so its their responsibility to do whatever with it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Round 1 - and a Jump!

- My experience in this fight. the beginning me and this girl was cool or whatever until she started talking about on me on myspace it was really childish of her because she is older than me, so i wrote something too, yea i know i was childish back. But anyways she was liking my boyfriend; she called him once but surprise i had his phone - then so on and so on, my friend had this party and the girl was there. The girl started throwing hints and we came face to face of course something interrupted us and it was the end. Til the next day she called me and was like do you want to fight me and asking where i stay like she was brave/ big and bad, but at the same time she was scared. So of course i was like yeah we can do this; days past and mu cousin called and she was like that the girl said that she wanted to fight on the fourth of July so i was like okay!
4th of July came, i was out where we was suppose to be fighting at. She came with like 10 other people, (real scared). Hours passed it began we walked to the street and did what we had to do, i slipped on a rock and i don't what you want to call it but she thought she was hitting me but really wasn't or either her punches were soft; i don't know. And so when i was getting up her side of people just came rushing over at me someone pulled my hair, someone bit me hard on my back; still got the mark. I Had scrapes every where.. Yep, they jumped me. My cousin and little cousin helped though.
The lesson i learned from the fight was never go to anyone's territory let them come to you, cause there ain't no telling what might happen!