Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Round 1 - and a Jump!

- My experience in this fight. the beginning me and this girl was cool or whatever until she started talking about on me on myspace it was really childish of her because she is older than me, so i wrote something too, yea i know i was childish back. But anyways she was liking my boyfriend; she called him once but surprise i had his phone - then so on and so on, my friend had this party and the girl was there. The girl started throwing hints and we came face to face of course something interrupted us and it was the end. Til the next day she called me and was like do you want to fight me and asking where i stay like she was brave/ big and bad, but at the same time she was scared. So of course i was like yeah we can do this; days past and mu cousin called and she was like that the girl said that she wanted to fight on the fourth of July so i was like okay!
4th of July came, i was out where we was suppose to be fighting at. She came with like 10 other people, (real scared). Hours passed it began we walked to the street and did what we had to do, i slipped on a rock and i don't what you want to call it but she thought she was hitting me but really wasn't or either her punches were soft; i don't know. And so when i was getting up her side of people just came rushing over at me someone pulled my hair, someone bit me hard on my back; still got the mark. I Had scrapes every where.. Yep, they jumped me. My cousin and little cousin helped though.
The lesson i learned from the fight was never go to anyone's territory let them come to you, cause there ain't no telling what might happen!

Growing Up..

-- Growing up can be both exciting and painful, how? Okay you're young you have to go through so many obstacles, learning to ride a bike - falling and maybe falling over and over again until you get it right. Me, my obstacle was riding four wheelers and dirt bikes but riding a bike was also one too.. i used to wreck a LOT, but i had to get back up and keep trying (that was the painful part). The exciting part was actually riding and enjoying the ride, i got older and better at it and i started learning and riding more like doombuggys, bigger dirt bikes etc.