1. This is a picture of a newspaper ad being part of the great depression. I chose this picture because it was letting people know about how bad things were crashing/dropping because of the depression.
2. This is a picture of a newspaper ad being published to everyone about BLACK TURESDAY. I chose this picture because it had BLACK TUESDAY and on it and because the ad was most likely telling about that dark Tuesday.
3. This is a picture of a club that was very popular during the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture because the Harlem renaissance was included in the Boom of my project it’s all about the 1920s Harlem Renaissance.
4. This is a picture of a newspaper ad telling somewhat about the Women’s rights of 1920s. I chose this picture because it was about Women’s rights.
5. This is a picture of a lady (singer) from the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture she was a big part of the Harlem Renaissance, she song in night clubs.
6. This is a picture of a lady who suffered and went through hard times during the Dust Bowl. I chose this picture because she had children and they had to suffer with her, today she is on novelties etc.
7. This is a picture of a stamp symbolizing the women of 1920s. I chose this picture because it’s a symbol from the women saying that THEY CAN DO IT!
8. This is a picture of everyday people in the 1920s. I chose this picture because it’s when times were going good; how things were before the depression and dust bowl phase.
9. This is a picture of people leaving their homes due to how bad things were going. I chose this picture because I really felt there pain, they had to leave in order to try and make things go better in there life.
10. This is a picture of a saloon (bar) serving alcohol before it was banned. I chose this picture because the people in the photo looked happy to be making money and to be serving there beverages.
1. This is a picture of a newspaper ad being part of the great depression. I chose this picture because it was letting people know about how bad things were crashing/dropping because of the depression.
2. This is a picture of a newspaper ad being published to everyone about BLACK TURESDAY. I chose this picture because it had BLACK TUESDAY and on it and because the ad was most likely telling about that dark Tuesday.
3. This is a picture of a club that was very popular during the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture because the Harlem renaissance was included in the Boom of my project it’s all about the 1920s Harlem Renaissance.
4. This is a picture of a newspaper ad telling somewhat about the Women’s rights of 1920s. I chose this picture because it was about Women’s rights.
5. This is a picture of a lady (singer) from the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture she was a big part of the Harlem Renaissance, she song in night clubs.
6. This is a picture of a lady who suffered and went through hard times during the Dust Bowl. I chose this picture because she had children and they had to suffer with her, today she is on novelties etc.
7. This is a picture of a stamp symbolizing the women of 1920s. I chose this picture because it’s a symbol from the women saying that THEY CAN DO IT!
8. This is a picture of everyday people in the 1920s. I chose this picture because it’s when times were going good; how things were before the depression and dust bowl phase.
9. This is a picture of people leaving their homes due to how bad things were going. I chose this picture because I really felt there pain, they had to leave in order to try and make things go better in there life.
10. This is a picture of a saloon (bar) serving alcohol before it was banned. I chose this picture because the people in the photo looked happy to be making money and to be serving there beverages.
1. This is a picture of kids of the 1930s taking a class photo. I chose this picture because it showing how school kids dressed back then.
2. This is a picture of a lady in a dress. I chose this picture because it’s showing how the women dressed back then.
3. This is a picture of a lady who suffered and went through hard times during the Dust Bowl. I chose this picture because she had children and they had to suffer with her, today she is on novelties etc.
4. This is a picture of a pin (button) recognizing women’s rights. I chose this picture because it’s showing how the women are saying they are putting there foot down.
5. This is a picture of a music album from the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture because its showing how there music discs looked back then.
6. This is a picture of a man and 2 children running through the thick sands from the Dust Bowl. I chose this picture because it’s actually showing how high the sand was after the Dust Bowl.
7. This is a picture of the dust bowl taking over homes. I chose this picture because it had to do with the life back then.
8. This is a picture of the dust from the Dust Bowl actually hovering over the houses. I chose this picture because I think that the Dust phase was actually in action, it’s a good picture.
9. This is a picture of little kids running and playing during the time of Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture because it looked like a good photo that I should put under the Harlem Renaissance.
10. This is a picture of all the famous people/singers and from the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture because they were a BIG part of the Harlem Renaissance.
1. This is a picture of Franklin D. Roosevelt. I chose this picture because he was part of the Recovery period.
2. This is a picture of the fun that went on during the Harlem Renaissance. I chose this picture because it actually shows how things got down back then.
3. This is a picture of the FDIC symbol. I chose this picture because it was part of the Recovery period.
4. This is a picture of the NRA logo. I chose this picture because Roosevelt created the NRA (National Recovery Administration) to fight the Depression. Its symbol was the blue eagle.
5. This is a picture of NAACP. I chose this picture because its showing people from that association.
6. This is a picture of kids trying to get money so that they can eat. I chose this photo because it’s showing you about what you had to do to try and get fed, because people didn’t have any jobs.
7. This is a picture of 2 men pouring out alcoholic beverages because drinking was illegal. I chose this picture because it’s showing how they had to get rid of all alcoholic beverages.
8. This is a picture of the animated phase of red scare. I chose this picture because the picture is speaking for itself on Red Scare.
9. This is a picture a boy (man) telling a girl (woman) that girls (women) should stay in there place as a house wife or that they aren’t meant to be out doing things that a boy (man) can do.
10. This is a picture of children eating what they can find; because of the depression thing). I chose this photo because it’s showing how things looked for how things were back then with the kids.